Friday, September 14, 2012

Hunger Games: Midnight edition

As the hype for the movie became larger and larger my excitement grew. March 23 at 12:01 in the morning i would be watching the 7 minutes of trailers waiting for the book to come to life on the 22ft by 52ft screen.
Tickets went on sale February 22, i was at the theater purchasing my ticket at around 6pm on February 22. I only had a month to wait.This also meant a month to get my costume together, put together a team that was all going to the premiere, and reread the book so it was fresh in my mind. Lucky for me the month went by fairly quickly. I decided i was going to portray a capitol citizen. My group consisted of about 20 people, in which we had Katniss, Gale, Effie, Caesar, 2 capitol citizens, and people representing Team Peeta. I was the first one out of my group to arrive at the theater. It was one in the afternoon and i was the 20th person in the line which was set up outside, wrapping around the theater. I set out my sheet and took a seat, unfortunately it had snowed the night before so the ground wasn't exactly dry. But i was prepared to wait the eleven hours until the premiere. My friend David(Caesar) showed up soon after i got there. I had to run to work then home to change into my citizen attire which consisted of Gold shoes, a black mini skirt, a black blazer with intense shoulder pads, a homemade head piece, gold glitter eye shadow, and my hair sprayed gold. I returned to the theater and not to my surprise i got some stairs but shoot i didn't care on bit. By this time it was around three, still had nine hours to go. One by one our group began to show up. Katniss and Gale made their entrance and certainly got a lot of hype. As did Effie when she showed up in her gaudy pink outfit. We all looked incredible. Time was moving so slow and the temperature was dropping rapidly We huddled around, talked about what we were most excited for in the movie and somehow 9 oclock rolled around. People began to stand up and pack up there chairs and belongings. It was time to find our seats. We managed to get the second row dead center seats in the largest theater. My waiting had payed off. As we got comfortable we started to walk around the theater and man were we the center of attention. People were taking pictures and also asking to be in pictures with out Katniss and Gale. Our costumes were a hit. We migrated back to our seats and waited patiently the next 2 hours.
Finally, it was time. The coming attractions started rolling and you know the story from there.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Start of it All

I was never one for books. I didn't read Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. I wasn't one to favor mythical fiction. My extent of reading stretched to The Davinci code, Angels and Demons, and Between a Rock and a Hard Place. All of which were considered more adult novels. In school i definitely did not favor reading. It was all the same to me, a boring plot, characters with not much development, and an underlying theme that somehow managed to relate to school.
It was December when a friend encouraged me to read The Hunger Games. This friend of mine loves reading. She loves fiction and tween novels, obviously very different from my taste. When she let me borrow the book it was before the hype of the movie had really grown, so i could honestly say i wasn't too excited. I didn't even know what the book was kind of about. Well i went home that December day and began a journey. A journey that would last a lifetime, yet take only 3 days to experience.
My emotions ran wild. Anger, Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Pain, Disgust, Hate, Love, Desire, Hope, Betrayal. Basically every emotion known to man i felt it. I was confined to the depths of my room lost in the world of Panem. Stuck in the Arena fighting for the lives of people i felt i had known my whole life. I was forever trapped with no way of escape. The Hunger Games is permanently burned into my mind.
Many face the same fate i have, so i have decided to write it down. Share it with the world. My experiences reading the books, seeing the movie, meeting members of the cast, tweeting and being retweeted, getting asked to prom hunger games style, and more. Join me and Escape into My Arena.